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Cruel, cruel Bueli2.  Did I see Mag make the grade despite rumours of floposity?  Vegas on 360 shortly, PS3 may take a few weeks.  With the way SW is selling on PS3 now most of the multi-plats cancel each other out for the plat vs plat nos.  BO and AC will add to an impressive yearly total though.  Fable 3 will cancel out GT5 but I can't think of anything to counter LBP2.  I should check the yearly chart and the upcoming releases but I've got some solid wrpgs to play.  Still haven't bought SW:TFU2, not sure if any version will hit the million before New Year's.  I remain skeptical about the numbers being thrown around for Kinect.  The Amis. POs don't show much yet but anything is possible in 8 weeks at this time of year.  Wii's titles aren't usually so front-loaded but it could still win this easily.