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babuks said: said:
babuks said:
highwaystar101 said:
babuks said:

I would like to answer a few:

1. If it is an Islamic country, there is no place for homosexuals. Do you have place for Child Pornography? No! How did you draw line between a homosexual and child pornographer? Your drawing this line is based on what you think right and what you don't. Likewise, Islam also thinks in certain way.

I'm sorry, but this is the single most disgusting thing I have read in this thread.

You are comparing two consenting adults in a loving relationship to the often violent sexual abuse of exploited children?

No, you are comparing two completely different things.

Most homosexual couples, like most heterosexual couples, are in a relationship based around a love they feel for each other. In most cases they do not wish to cause any harm to their partner, they can have all the love and respect that any heterosexual couple would have.

Child pornography on the other hand is a sexual desire which only breeds violence and abuse which ruins the lives of the exploited children. It is almost always (as in 99% of cases) like this.

If homosexuality came with the abuse, exploitation and suffering that child abuse came with, then it would be banned in a second and everyone would be against it. But it doesn't.

Fair enough a moral line is hard to draw, morals are a relative thing, but you have chosen two things that are far removed form each other.

I am not comparing two different things. This was for example. And also I asked in a later post, whether a girl of 16 years old does possess understanding of having sex or not? Don't think that I gave example of a 5 year old girl. A girl of 16 years does have understanding yet it is illegal to have sex or even take naked picture of her even if she gives her consent.



dude, here is a little story for you:

I was born in an Islamic country.

I was  A VERY RELIGIOUS MAN, I used to read Quran and study hadith regularly. My family are religious too. To cut a long story short I realised I was gay when I was 15 years old and my world collapsed. I prayed for miracles and I loathed myself for 6 years I asked god to cure me everyday. I used to save up money to go to a therapist and I WAS  A FREAKING KID. My life pretty much sucks now and I am being too desperate for any kind of human contact it is not even funny, I fucking can't wait to leave the middle east. Did I choose this? why would I choose this? why would choose such a sucky life? Being gay isn't a choice and you claim your god then why would he punish me for this?

I want to believe in God I really want to but I can't find my way, god if you are reading this, show me the way.

I mean, WOW! Sad story (if true) but being gay is not genetical. You have your way out. Just consult the right psychriatist.

God gave us free will to do whatever we choose to do. But then he provided guidelines what to do and what not. You are to decide to which path you go.

... "If ture"... "the right psychiatrist?...

There are millions of men and women who would love to know who this "right psychiatrist" is or where he is, do you have a phone number prehaps?

Doesn't matter anyway, I've only met a few gay people that weren't confused about their sexuality before going that route.

Sir you say god gives you free will, I say that I am alive, I refuse to assume anything aside from that, I say that life tosses me crap and I figure out what to do with it, what makes me better off that most is that I have the opportunity and the enginuity to make these things work for me. I know that this is the same for everyone else, they all handle their cases in their own way they all get hit with crap of all weights and shapes and sizes.

Your god can give you free will and that's fine, but the fundamental historic issue with Muhhamadan Muslims is that they are Jehovah Witnesses that don't know when to stop and will become violent. Christianity has been used in much of the same way, it was called imperialism then and it is today. I say the west or whoever has a right to reject a belief especially if they don't beleive it.


But a conquered people in the eyes of Islam are less than cattle but when conquered lands become liberated the whining just never ends.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D