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.jayderyu said:

.... Accessibility is all about jumping right in and it working with intuitivity. Move and Wii were designed to be intuitive. Kinect was designed to be Intuitive, but it also sounds like in some cases you need to train yourself to fit the game's requirement. That's not intuitive.

Here's what I think. As a an elite gaming crowd item. FAIL. As a new form of simple interface for simpler games. I think it will end up working. Will it work for MS with the 360... I have my doubts. I don't think it will be a failure in sales, but in moving the industry it won't have much of an impact. Though I'm sure next gen may see some of the simpler gestures included into future.

Actually I think they were talking more about non game control.  Specifically they talked about how to pause and restart a game.  MS has made it so that you cant accidentally pause and restart by having to hold you hand in a given position for a few seconds before the software really registers that you want to pause or restart.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.