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So I got my annual Toys R Us christmas catalog. While both the 360 and the PS3 had a page dedicated to each other, it seemed like they were advertising "Kinect! You Are the Controller!" and  "Motion Controls come to the PS3". Basically, it looked like next gen wii vs pswii. Don't discount what kind of value people think they are getting for their money. I don't thnk they were trying to advertise one over the other, but it's just that I think it's going to be harder to get casuals to jump ship on the PS3.

The real question is to whether or not these parents think enough time has passed that they should upgrade for the new system, or if they will just have the feeling that their wii is not that old yet, so don't upgrade. I think it's hard to tell who's going to win in PS3 vs 360 because the kinect effect is hard to predict.

I still think wii will be #1. If you're in grade school, it must seem like eveyone and their sister already has a wii (or had one at one time and sold it), so if you don't have one, you're left out. How many years can you allow your kid to be left out if you don't have a wii yet? My only question is how many sales will be new vs how many sales will be used sales and not count, but either way the Wii will have a great christmas as always.