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dib8rman said:

5. Muslims do hate jews and christians and one person saying that they don't wont change the last 1300 years of hating that is still exercised today in islam and it's other forms.

Christians hate Jews much more than Muslims do. Please check my previous post if you want a massacre example from 16th century in Iberia, or check very recent history if you want an example from 20th century.

Christians killed many more Jews in their 2000 year old history than relatively VERY normal relations that the Muslims had with them since 7th century.

Here is the opening sentence of wiki entry "Relations between Catholicism and Judaism":
As a reaction to the Holocaust, many theologians, religious historians, and educators dedicated their efforts to seek reconciliation between Christians and Jews. By reconciliation it was meant that Christianity sought to understand how its antisemitic teachings over millennia contributed to the Holocaust, to ensure it did not happen again.

And the Muslims only have problem with the state of Israel, not with the Jews altogether.