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babuks said:
valleyshrew said:

A few questions for you peace loving muslims:
1. Do you accept homosexuals deserve to live and not be harassed?
2. Have you read the Qu'ran and Sunnah?
3. Do you accept the holocaust happened?
4. Do you accept evolution happens?
5. Do you think it is right to kill someone who leaves islam?
6. Is it right to stone to death an adulterer?
7. Is it good that 68% of Punjabi girls have been molested?
8. Must non-muslims refrain from all criticisms of Islam or warrant beheading?

I would like to answer a few:

1. If it is an Islamic country, there is no place for homosexuals. Do you have place for Child Pornography? No! How did you draw line between a homosexual and child pornographer? Your drawing this line is based on what you think right and what you don't. Likewise, Islam also thinks in certain way.

Are you seriously asking how one draws the line between a child being used for sex and two consenting adults deciding to have sex? It's not like Christianity embraces the whole issue either, plenty of harassment from them too. I don't think religious acceptance is going to be easy. But if you protest that gay people don't deserve to live, don't be surprised that yours is being perceived as an extremist's view. Christians having the same ambitions are perceived the same way, and giving a bad name to Christianity.

2. I read the Quran and Sunnah (there are 6 books of Sunnah/Hadith and I read them all). I am not a native Arab but I learned Arabic for this very purpose.

3. Not a sane muslim would support it. Quran says, if you kill one human being without justification, it is as though you killed the whole of humanity.

Justification is just a point of view. Like with point 1, you can have your point of view. If you live in a country where that point of view is backed up by the law (or at least not prosecuted by it), then even better. Others have their point of view as well though, so especially when it comes to morally inspired killings, you cannot expect others who view that as unjust to accept your views (and if they stem from Islam, to accept Islam's rules) as pure.

4. I don't believe it happened and I have doubt it was a fact. Rather it is a theory disbelieved by many non-Muslim scholars of the west also.

5. Do you believe it is right to punish a deserter from Army?

Don't do yourself the disservice of giving that example. Unless you really view yourself and the others belonging to Islam as an army. An army isn't associated with peace. Soldiers take orders so more the pity if you were born into this army without ever evaluating anything for yourself.

6. It may be hard for you to understand why adultery is so bad in Islam. Look at the people cheat their wives and then get caught. What goes through the minds of those women. Even some consider having more than one girlfriend wrong! There are differences of opinion so don't just point towards Islams.

7. Islam is not responsible for the wrongdoing of any individual or group. By the way, what is your view about the high rape rate in the west including child molesting inspite the fact that sex is open there.

8. Islam is a pure religion as per the believe of the Muslims. You can't leave this community. Like you behead the person commit treason.

The question here was about non-Muslims, not people who left it. Like I am. Criticising some of your views now, not agreeing with them, not seeing them as pure, just etc.

If you want to get more knowledge about these things, just listen to Dr. Zakir Naik's lecture or Ahmad Deedat's lecture. Youtube has plenty of it. These are very useful lectures for people who want to know the truth of religions including Islam and Christianity. They quote the books and give you the answers.

Those were some pretty good questions. Mind you, I don't think Christianity fares much better, or has before. It's had its crusades, dogmas, executions, forcing itself on others etc, and still has some very questionable stuff. But you know, if someone were to read the Bible today and demand everything to happen as commanded there, he'd be way beyond extremism to the common Christian believer. If your answers are those of a middle-ground Muslim, then all religion aside, majority of the West won't accept them put into practice, and will feel free to judge those practices (point 8).

But as for mocking, which was the initial spark, it's just immature my-god-vs-your-god banter. Hopefully OP can ignore them as such.

edited since I didn't realize it wasn't OP answering the questions, my bad.