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1. Allah is the title god. Ellah which reffers to the name of the rock in Mecca that most muslims make a pilgrimage to sounds very similar to Allah when pronounced in Arabic, it is also the name of what Muhhamad gave the title of Allah.

Ellah was not even a god to the Pagans that Muhhamad slaughtered.

2. Neither the Torah nor Bible(s) reffer to a Arabic prophet after Jesus shit the Torah at least notes Jesus as a prophet.

3. We ("the west")  would not have secular discussion if the Bible wasn't ammended, it would have taken America to create the change once the colonies revolted against the old draconic ways.

4. This is a strait lie, unless you don't know your own law, 'A husband is a womans gate way to heaven or hell'. This is strait to the point don't care to type a lot here.

5. Muslims do hate jews and christians and one person saying that they don't wont change the last 1300 years of hating that is still exercised today in islam and it's other forms.

6. ... prefference is prefference

7. Yes you do, it's just that what you guys kill about any secular person would worry about the ethics involved, to Islamics it's just the thing to do.

8. It's so funny how beliefs work: In real life if I disagree and point out history and the obvious to muslims or if muslims believe a whole nation is doing this they will bring out signs saying "Islam is peace and death to the slanderers." Online apparantly now its "Islam is peace and your an ignorant slanderer!"

I didn't get a chance to read the other posters will do that later.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D