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SpartenOmega117 said:

The reason we don't believe in the current Bible is because Muslims beleive that the Bible has been changed quite a bit throughtout the years by the Pope, priests, etc. So we don't think it is original and has been changed dramatically. Otherwise we do believe in the Bible.


 I find this interesting since the Pope is found no where in the Bible nor is some of Catholic teachings. In fact Jesus warn his disciples on men who likes to sit in Mose's seat (law giver). Why didn't the Catholic change the scripture which speak out against their own teachings?  Probably because the Catholics who copied the scripture before the printing press  respect God enough  not to change the scripture to fit Catholic teachings.  What the Catholic church did was refuse the common person from reading the scriptures  until the printing press was invented.  Both Catholics and Islam has a mixture of different religions as well as politics  which Jesus spoke out against.