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What will be the best selling console of 2010? This may come as a surprise to some of you but the Wii sold the most units in 2010. According to VGChartz the YTD figures for 2010 are:

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 10th Jan 2010 to 23rd Oct 2010:

WII - 8,992,822
PS3 - 8,088,766
360 - 6,975,555

Will Kinect boost 360 sales enough to even overtake PS3? Will Move have ps3's flying off the shelves by christmas? Is Nintendo going to sell millions of Wii's again during the holidays?

I think Wii will comfortably 'win' with 360 and PS3 to sell pretty much the same amount of units.

Think for yourself, question authority