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NeoRatt said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:

So it's safe to say these are shipped numbers.


And lol at Greenberg getting scared that the gap was almost gone

He knew all along it wasn't almost gone so why would he be scared? I doubt he goes to Major Nelson for 360 HW figures!!

Major Nelson is a Manager at XBox Live.  His 42 million number probably was number of consoles connected to XBox Live (Given that all the other stats are Live related that makes sense).  Which would not include non-connected consoles nor shipping numbers.

Greenberg was simply responding to a question asked by a reporter...  Had nothing to do with being scared.

Their aren't even 30 Million people who are connected to Live. Dunno where you get your information. Since E3, you think they got over 15 million users to connect? Haha, you're a bit gone man. Yes, close to half of the people who buy the 360, never connect. Shocking I know.