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Well not surprised the PS3 numbers are so abysmal, considering how Harmonix kept favouring the Xbox with their previous installations and thus making sure no PS3 fanbase would grow around their games.

I got quite a few music games, bought GH: World Tour and Greatest Hits on release, got Rock Band and RB: Beatles for about 15GBP each long after release. While I do enjoy them and they are fun to play when you have people over (expect the neighbour complaining about the sound from the drums) there doesn't seem to be enough songs I want to play on the newer games, and especially the Beatles game felt like a rip-off, so many of the most famous songs missing, kinda ironic that there was a Penny Lane trophy but not song. So no RB3 for me (nor did I bother with latest GH game either), maybe if I see them in a bargain bin for a tenner next year I am game.