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saicho said:
zgamer5 said:
saicho said:
zgamer5 said:
saicho said:
Ajescent said:
geddesmond2 said:
Ajescent said:
geddesmond2 said:

Lol as someone who used to do boxing this game was my deciding factor on getting the Move controller. Looks like my decision is made. LMAO 3/10, I have never seen a game get that before Lol.

wait for more reviews.

If the game got a 6 or 7 then maybe I'd wait for more reviews but 3/10 is really bad. I don't usually go by reviews when it comes to games but if a game gets a score like that then it must be crap.

Not necessarily, There was a magazine that gave FF13 4/10...oh wait...

No I'm kidding, ff13 was bad but wasn't that bad, I maintain it's best to look at more than one review to get a better picture, even if it got 10/10, I would have said wait for more reviews, maybe this guy who reviewed it didn't have a clue what he was doing, or hates motion control or whatever (again I stress I would say the same thing if it was the other way around.)

Also, most previews have been praising the 1:1 ness of the game and imersion, so what the hell happened? I'm waiting for others like GT to see what they have to say.

Videogamer gave it 5/10. It also says the controls lack of responsiveness.

Maybe he didn't know what he was doing either. Or the control is actually shit.

if you read the review he said that it only played it for half an hour. wow really.

I'm not sure how the responsiveness of the control correlates to the length of the playing time. The longer you play the more responsive the control becomes?

not really, but 30 minutes isnt enough to be good at the game. for me mario kart wheel controls are terrible. in reality theyr not that bad and i just suck at it, and i played over 40 hours of that game.

how is responsiveness of the control related to being good at the game? Responsiveness of the control should be universal regardless how skilled a player is. Are you suggesting the better you are with the game the more responsive the control becomes?

no, all im saying is 30 minutes isnt enough to review a game. and that being good at the game can help you understand how bad/good the responsiveness of the controls are. i gave my mario kart example.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good