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Ready At Dawn is a completely biased studio, they work almost exclusively on Sony platforms. At the same time N-Space and other studios and developers have commented that the Wii 3rd party software market has collapsed. Sega,THQ and UbiSoft have both commented that third party software just doesn't sell well on the Wii and thats with Ubi's Just Dance series doing amazing. I believe EA also said something to that effect.

So with almost all the developers saying that the third party market is gone, can you really blame a Sony developer for saying the same thing?

Now as fans we all know their was no market because third parties failed to build one. We all know UbiSoft and Sega were like the only big supporters of the Wii out of the gate. Even Ubi and Sega didn't give the Wii quality games it deserved and no studio or publisher did for like 2 years. Now suddenly the publishers are complaining that their quality games aren't selling well. Thats what happens when you ignore a market many Wii owners bought 360's to get their 3rd party games and those that did not were so upset with 3rd party titles that they stick to the brand they know makes quality software (Nintendo).

In the end I bet GoldenEye will fail misearably and then we can add Activision to the list of publishers and developers who think the Wii market is dead. I think they may be right too, Wii gamers who are hard core and not just casual are pissed, they feel neglected and guess what they won't buy your games (3rd parties) so your right in a sense but the result will be higher Nintendo sales and in the end like Ready at Dawn said Nintendo will benefit and when they launch the next console guess who's games are going to shoot off the shelves? Nintendo's.

On the other hand this will lead third parties to neglect Nintendo's next system again until its too late then they will support and fail to make any headway before the cycle repeats itself another generation. I hope I'm wrong and third parties support (Nintendo's next system) from the get go like they are 3DS but for some reason I am doubtful!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer