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Kasz216 said:
Rath said:
Kasz216 said:
Rath said:
Kasz216 said:

What makes america worse is we're louder about it.

Though statistically things are problems are usually a lot less troublesome... people think it's worse then their countries because we allow anyone to say what they want.

For freedom of speech and the press America ranks pretty highly, but not near the top.

Yeah but do you know why that is?  It's mostly because of the lack of press shield laws for sources.

Which is totally different then freedom of expression.

Do you have a source for that?

Their methodology doesn't seem to imply it.

I'm sure if I can dig it up eventually.  I've read the full report before.... the US pretty much always seems to score lower because some journalist was in jail or some journalist was threatened because of their opinion or something.

Actually, the methodology says that EXACTLY.  Did you read the full methodology?  When they get to what they ask it's all questions about the press.

Look at questions

1 & 2  under section A

2 under section B

Both of those deal mostly with press shield laws... and the fact that if you get a report that says "an unnamed source says the president killed someone"  The DA's office is allowed to arrest you to get at that source so they can use him to prosecute the president.


Not to mention... some of these questions are just silly.

4) Do journalists self edit themselves?   Well yeah, in the US they do, because if they don't and say something dumb and or racist they probably will lose their TV show, due to peoples right to express their freedom of choice.



It's soley based on freedom of the press... where the US got points marked off is two main areas i could tell you right away. 

The before mentioned "Press shield" laws vs anonomous sources and whistleblowers and the rules and regulations around running and who is running the press.

Oh, maybe I have a misunderstanding of shield laws. I thought shield laws protected sources from being prosecuted or the journalist forced to give them up? In which case they would be considered to increase the freedom of press under these questions.

Also that question you pointed out I believe is mostly to deal with people self censoring for political reasons, rather than to avoid saying something offensive.