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TheRealMafoo said:

What are gay rights? When did they get rights I don't have? There are no Gay Rights, Woman's Rights, Minority Rights, or any other sub group rights. There are Human rights, and we all get them.

In my perfect world, there would be no issues with respect to sexual preference and the federal government, because the federal government would have no laws where it mattered.

There would be no marriage tax credit. No recognition of marriage of any kind, because there would be no need to care if your married or not, and to who your married too. The Federal government would be indifferent to the concept of marriage.

For me, the party that closest maps that view, is Libertarian. The current movement that is closest to my views, is the tea party.

"X Rights" is the name of the movements to restore the rights therein, we do not all get them. Once upon a time, women couldn't own property, vote, etc. Same for blacks. Doctors in some places can refuse treatment of gays.

I don't know if you disagree or not..I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your viewpoints.