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TheRealMafoo said:

Fox News did not start the Tea Party

And as for crazy, if Ronald Reagan was alive today, he would be the leader of the Tea Party.

I wish we had 1000 Ronald Reagans in Washington today.


First reply at the top of the page:

You couldn’t be more wrong.
Trevor Lyman is the guy who launched the concept of using the phrase “Tea Party”  borrowed from history books when he organized the December 16, 2007 Tea Party Money Bomb (online fundraiser) for Ron Paul.
Taking a page from Trevor Lyman and long after the Ron Paul presidential campaign, other persons decided to protest TARP and deficit-increasing stimulus spending under the moniker, first on April 15, 2009,  and then again on July 4, 2009 .
Sites like facilitated these protest meet ups. Fox News covered these meetings, which gave them credence and voilá, the Tea Party Movement was born.


This is exactly how just about everyone perceives the tea party. Regardless of your random blogger guy who counts himself as one of the first people "chances are, you got my email". 

There's something about your posts that seems so ingenuine, I can't tell what it is. From saying we would be better off with 1000 Reagans, and posting a video of doubt he was a great president, probably either the best or second best in the last 10 presidents. But your posts don't come off to me as slightly feels like parody.