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LordTheNightKnight said:
myths n legends said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
myths n legends said:
xeroxm3 said:
tehsage said:
TruckOSaurus said:
NiKKoM said:

Wtf.. replacing Tina Turner with Nicole Scherzinger... >_<"

Exactly my thoughts! Tina Turner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nicole Scherzinger

I'm sure there was a good reason for it.

I'm pretty sure Craig Harris said it was because it would have cost them too much money in the last Nintendo Voice Chat, but I might be making that up.

why?  its not like they changed the song... once you have the rights to a song cant you use the original?

but besides that one misstep i liked it, seemed very bondish

Song does not mean the singer.

right but what im saying is if i have the rights to a tupac song cant i use the version with him rapping on it?   unless they needed her to come in and re sing the song for some formatting reason or something.

Rights do not work that way. They aren't always a complete package. Too often you just get parts, and have to work around what you don't have.

ah ok that kinda sux... but game still looks cool i might have to pick it up when it drops a little