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Everyone is saying Nintendo needs to rush out a Wii HD as if Wii has lost this gen. If anything, MS and Sony are the ones that need new consoles. And no, Kinect, and especially Move, will not be enough to keep them going, especially not for another 5 years.

A Wii HD or "Super Wii" would be a disasterous business move for Nintendo. If they go that route, they will fail. It would be conceding to the already red ocean market that is in major decline. If Nintendo does release a new console (which doesn't have to happen for at least 2 years as long as Nintendo reinvigorates the Wii software market with the types of games that made it successful in the first place,) it needs to be a console that is as little like MS and Sony's as possible. It needs to be disruptive and reach another blue ocean of non gamers. It at least needs to have its own unique selling point, like the 3DS.