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I am not going to look at the necessity of redistribution of wealh as being essential to the well being of a nation, which includes welfare.  What I do want to look at here is welfare itself, and the question of whether or not a government run welfare system qualifying as compassion.  The norm for government run welfare is to take money from others via taxes (money people don't willingly give) and hand it over to a system with individuals who do the work as a job.  The system is impersonal, and based around doing the absolute minimum to try to placate a need, to silence those in need, and also to quiet the collective guilt of a nation that they have poor among them, or out of concerns that there is a need for a safety net.

So, can someone answer me here how exactly this system qualifies as compassion?  I bring this up, because whenever political ideologies are discussed, conservatives are told they are heartless, and lacking compassion, because they don't believe in having a system I described above.  So, thus, the system above must be a sign of compassion, right?

By the way, I will be doing two more posts on here, one for conservatives, and another for libertarians, to answer.  Figured I would try to be balanced.  Not sure who here is a statist, and believes in collectivism in both economics and life values or I could ask about that.