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Soonerman said:
Joelcool7 said:

THQ is obviously ignoring Nintendo. In the end Nintendo needs a new platform within the next few years as demand continues to die down. THQ is talking alot about the costs to manufacturers as well citing that they loose so much money launching a new platform, but Nintendo always turns a profit out of the door so they would really benefit from a new platform.

The next Nintendo console is going to be unvieled next year and released in 2012. I fully believe Nintendo will launch and it will benefit developers and Nintendo themselves. Despite what THQ says a new Nintendo platform at 275$ would re-invigorate the industry.

I'm seeing all these comments pointing at Nintendo. Are all of you forgetting that Nintendo is still selling quite well at a profit?!? Have you forgotten how many millions of units they sell for each one of their brand games?!?!? If anything, Nintendo is enjoying their pure profits and they will be better ready to launch when the other 2 are willing to with a great hardware and something new and innovative. 

1st party software still performs extremely well on Wii and so does a few select games. But over all the software marketshare Nintendo holds is also shrinking when compared to Microsoft and Sony. It may not be in Nintendo's best interest to launch first but they may have to if they want to maintain a dominant market share.

Especially if Kinect really lifts off and Move drives Sony's share higher. Nintendo might not have a choice in the matter, not to mention if Nintendo's next console is revolutionary enough they could kill Kinect and Move before Sony and Microsoft manage to secure too much more market share.

The only downside to Nintendo moving that much earlier then the competition is that the competition will then copy Nintendo. Something Nintendo always fears so you never know but I don't think the generation can survive another five years. If Kinect is as successful as MS hopes then Sony and Nintendo will both launch their new platforms in 2012 and kill 360 off or at least hurt its figures alot.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer