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I don't think anybody is going to have any kind of real answer for you since it'll have to happen to several people to nail it down. Even so I kinda doubt you'll have a problem since the PS3 is built way stronger than the PS2 ever was. I've been using the hell out of mine for a year now and it runs like a top but with my PS2 after about 6 months of using it as a dvd player it started making funny noises, never died tho.

Yeah, I think problems with the ps3 will be hit or miss. My disc drive died, and I have a launch unit, but I didn't really use it heavily* until the past two months or so. In fact, from January through May I hardly used it at all, since I left it home in New Orleans while I was at LSU. Yet, for some reason, mine dies and yours is fine.

*Really, it wasn't used "heavily" at all, compared to how much my cousin uses his. Although I did do a Lord of the Rings Extended Editions marathon when I got my wisdom teeth out. :D It looked awesome upscaled. Just imagine those babies on Blu-Ray. =o