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Bobby Kotick is many ways worse  than Jack Thompson. At least with Jack Thompson you know which side he is on, but Bobby Kotick is draining this industry for all it is worth before moving on.

Many of you know that California is currently in a position in which the ESA is fighting California's Governor over the sales of games to minors in the Supreme Court. ESA is an organization that represents the video game industry no matter what the situation is, and if they win no one benefits more than Activision. Yet Bobby Kotick withdrew their membership from ESA  a couple of years ago because its not in their "best interests".

Kotick and Activison's membership to the ESA should not be a matter of choice, since they are the largest publisher and have the largest impact on the industry. Lets not forget the controversy they caused with the airport level in MW2, only to have ESA jump to the scene and help when things got a bit hot.