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Epoch said:
libellule said:


Hi all,

I play zerg, I m a silver going gold player but I m facing a new difficulty.

Basically, I know understand and try to masterize the idea of "DRONING ALL THE GAME" to get a good economy
and do not spend larva in useless unit.
At the end, my army is often ridiculous and I just continue to macro until I scout an attack and then start to make more unit (of course, it depends how the enemy harass me ...)

My problem is that I have usually far too much mineral and I m not able to spend it properly (since I dont want to spend this mineral in useless gling for example)

How can I basically improve myself and better manage mineral without making useless unit AND continue droning ?

What do you mean useless unit?  Attacking units arent useless. 

If you have an expand, throw up a 3rd hatch and get another queen to larva it.  Pump hydra/ling or muta/ling.  Use mutas to harrass the drone line and run lings in front.

Get creative, try different builds, but you should always be producing both drones and attacking units.

well, basically, I m lacking larva ...

and by "useless" I mean : you should avoid spending too much larva on "low unit" when you dont need them and, at place, you should focus on getting more drone out that will allow you to boost your eco AND build bigger unit later

Time to Work !