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I think Sony thought through the scenario if they would lose money in their initial outing with the PS3. Their other divisions (plus all their initial profit) have picked up the slack so they will back this console until everything collapses around them OR we all buy it. I think them banking that we will all eventually buy a PS3 is pretty strong. If the Blu-Ray Medium becomes the medium of choice, Sony will in effect, have gotten a stranglehold on a format. The sales of DVDs still beats games (I have absolutely no evidence of that... just an assumption) That in itself could profit the company for dozens of years...hmmm.... ... that is IF people don't switch to digital downloading as the formats of choice anytime soon. That could be the worst problem that Sony, MS and Nin will face.

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!