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Demon's Souls is the best game on the system, tho I am not sure if it meets your criteria completely.  So here are three others:

1) Eternal Sonata. 

You are a Tales fan and this just seems like a logical starting point to me.  Besides, you cannot beat the music.

2) Dragon Age Origins. 

The customization (especially on gear) it nothing close to that of any JRPG, but the story is fantastic, it is lengthy, there are many sides quests and it has some fantastic humor (darker than most JRPGs of course)

3)Atelier Rorona

Its light heartedness is about 180o turn from the above game.  It is very light hearted, deep as hell in terms of customization and the awkward ass sexual innuendo is fantastic!  Working on my 2nd playthrough right now.