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I recently got into the RPG genre more after playing Tales of Symphonia on my gamecube which I had a lot of fun with. This made me want a good RPG on the PS3 to play.

Can anyone recommend the best RPGs for the PS3? Here are some elements I like in RPGs, monsters to kill for exp and loot, leveling up and improving stats/skills (obviously),  side quests are always good, equipment customization, a good story helps, and a lengthy game. 

I know I probably described most RPGs out there, but what are the best? They don't have to have all these elements but this should give you an idea of something I might like. It's sad ToV isn't out for the PS3 here but oh well.

Also, I was kinda interested in White Knight Chronicles but saw that the game got some pretty bad reviews. Can anyone let me know how this game is and if it's still worth picking up?


Side note: I played Valkyria Chronicles, tried Oblivion(Couldn't get into it)