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Kasz216 said:

GT5 isn't "A couple weeks late".

It's extremely late based on what people could reasonable expect.  This new delay could just be the "straw that broke the camels back."

Hell you see this shit all the time, people like some anime for example, but don't like the huge pauses and the most recent story, and then they change one of the character's hair... and a bunch of people get angry and leave.  It's not REALLY about the hair changing, it's about all the crap before that.

Also, I like your premise that "It's ok they've taken so long... becuase they're more popular."

What makes you think GT5 couldn't been released a long time ago without bugs?

The big time sync was car modeling.  That was specifically the reason given for why it wasn't released years ago.... well a long time ago.

What makes me thing that is the fact that the game isn't out yet. You don't sit around on your ass with a completely finished game. At least not for long. That is just dumb. Could it have been finished? Well yes, probably. That loops back into the waiting for a sufficient user base though.

The premise also is not that they are so popular. It is because they are that good. Their product will be bought by a shit ton of people eventually. Pissing off the impatient people does jack squat to their long term bottom line. See Blizzard for a company that clearly works around the concept of releasing a game whenever they damn well please.

And no, GT5 could not reasonably be expected any sooner because the game was never promised any sooner. No release date means no reasonable expectation. Thats the bottom line really. There has been one delay that is probably just a few weeks, but the details are still sketchy on that one. It won't be terribly long as the code is finished evidently.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229