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Gnizmo said:
Kasz216 said:

About it not being an announced date and it instead being peoples perceived dates...

If you went into McDonalds and ordered a hamburger... and they gave it to you an hour later, would you not be allowed to get mad because they never told you when they were going to give it to you?  I mean, say you REALLY love McDonald's Hamburgers.  I mean, if you really love them you wouldn't complain, right?  Afterall, you still get your hamburger... just a little late.  You totally wouldn't be a fan if you instead went across the street to burger king to get a hamburger earlier... right?

Perceived release dates are totally acceptbale if said release date isn't ridiculious.  Which, even 2 years ago expecting it to be released wouldn't of been ridiculious.  I mean, what was the last game released that started development before the gen started?

Outside of complete screw up jobs like Duke Nukem forever anyway?

Completely an totally inaccurate comparison. "Fast food" promises a quick turn around implicitly. This is more like going to a steak house, and then wondering why you don't get your food as fast as you did at McDonald's.

Perceived release dates are absolutely meaningless. How on Earth can you claim otherwise? The majority of fans wanted a 2009 release for Zelda Skyward Sword but now it is in 2011. Does this mean the game has been horribly delayed? Why is the release window demanded by someone who neither works on the game, nor has any real idea of how much more work needs to be done is beyond meaningless.

Started development last gen? FFXIII jumps to mind. Too Human was in the works since forever and a day as well. I could probably throw out a few more as well if I started looking through the PS3 big budget library. Gigantic block busters planned for a system that has less than half the expected user base will get put at a much slower pace to make sure the install base is at a level to perform adequately.

The bigger point is that PD is not your bitch. They are not working for you, nor do you have the power to set a deadline for them. That is a purely internal affair. Unless you are a major stock holder, or are on the board you have absolutely no say on when the game comes. They never promised you the game before November of this year. Not once. No matter how self important random people on the internet feel they have neither the ability, nor right to arbitrarily decide when the game should come out.

you cant ignore the collective power of the consumers (which include these random internet users).

And @ bolded

This is the first time I've heard of this. The only game that I can think of which this could be true is GT5..hmm