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sethnintendo said:

Yea, after reading some responses it is apparent that I have changed my tastes.  I was a little hyped for SC2 but after fooling around with the beta I didn't see it warrant my purchase.  Perhaps I will give it a try when it goes on sale / discount.  Didn't they take the chat feature out of SC2 on battle net?  Sure it isn't needed but it was fun to go into chat channels and bs around with people. So I guess my taste have changed but they have done a few things in recent years that haven't helped me love them as much as I used to.

Some recent Blizzard blunders that had me starting to have negative feelings towards them include splitting SC2 into 3 parts (sure I'll take some of your word that they needed more missions but they could have just included more in the original release 20 per race then had 10-20 missions per race in the expansion), scrapping Starcraft Ghost (the game looked nice and seemed like it was going to be a very good game for the consoles), trying to implement real id on their forums (whoever thought of that should have been fired, was nice to see Blizzard community take arms against such a stupid idea), and threatening to ban people that backstab on SC2 (if they didn't want you to do it make the alliances locked permanently, sure I might have been an asshole during SC1 backstabbing people on vs comp games but it was hilarious).

SC1 has 30 missions, BW has 28. SC2 has 29, and it is far more interesting as a whole. What you're asking for is for them to have released a sequel with twice the content. In today's market, no one does that. Not Blizzard, not Nintendo, not Sony, no one. It's unrealistic to expect otherwise. Try calling up/writing to Nintendo and saying "By the way, instead of releasing your next 2 mario games separately, can you just make 1 with 20 worlds?" They wanted to create a deeper experience, and to do that, they need more missions.

Ghost isn't scrapped per se, but it may never be completed. They say time and time again that they can pick it up again if they decide to. Maybe consoles aren't up to par with what they want from the game? I don't know though.

Real ID is okay, but yeah, trying to force it was no good.

What do u mean threatening to ban people that backstab? Since one week after release at least (when I bought the game), in team games, alliances ARE locked, you can't just un-ally your team during game. But some people grief, they'll either do nothing, or make units and attack their ally. That just ruins the game, and such players should be banned (or warned and then banned really). That said, I was lurking the forums pretty hardcore at Blizzard and I never heard about this.