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One of the things that bugged me a lot was the trailer shown at E3. While it was good, it was not epic and jaw dropping, like when Twilight princess was first revealed on the GC (I remember the goosebumps I got), and the second trailer, while not as Epic, it was awesome and inspiring (Goosebumps # 2). But this time, I didn't get that cool feeling, but more like a "what?.. that looks good". Sure, the trailer was aimed to showcase the controls with Wii Motion Plus, but I think they could have done a far better job. The other trailers showcased the adventure you were going to experience... but not this time. Nintendo needs to release another trailer that focuses more on the adventure and action aspect in order to make me believe again.

The other part that bothers me is the enemy design. Why do they have to look so ugly? With that artstyle you can make some pretty badass looking enemies, but that lacked in the images and the videos I have seen.

I am seriously worried