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I actually played the same E3 demo build at Gamescom, and I'm not hyped for it because:


- The area shown in the demo is just bland and lifeless. Its just a tech demo that won't be part of the final product, sure, but still they could have created a better area for the firs tech demo of the game. While the artstyle is good, polygon count for trees and overall vegetation made me felt like starring at an N64 game.

- Sword controls aren't as good as WSR, I wonder if this is due to calibration because you don't rest the controller on a flat surface laying down, you just hold it pointing the IR to the ground and the console calibrates it that way. I suppose it wouldn't be practical to do standard calibration on a public event showfloor. Either case, controls didn't work as good as expected.

- The whip feels just odd to control, same to bow and arrow.

- No epic reveal trailer .

- The font used for "Skyward Sword" below the title and the overall logo, just isn't on par with TP and WW. Infact I think it is even more ugly than the SNES Zelda logo.

- Delay to 2011