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bugrimmar said:
Gnizmo said:
damndl0ser said:

I am over it, apparently you arent.  I'm just not an ass kisser or an apologist like some here.

The release dates weren't official, but PD did say they were almost finished numerous times.  And anyone with half a brain knows they said it.  This includes untold thousands of people who were mislead into pre-orders.  If you want to dismiss what PD say then you can also dismiss any release dates they give while your at it.

This post has certainly spiraled off topic and I am done with it.

This is actually directly on topic interestingly enough as this is the precise behavior Bugrimmar is complaining about. I have no interest in kissing anyones ass, or apologizing for anything. I dislike the series, and don't own a PS3. The fact is though you are upset of promises you made to yourself. You are welcome to that, but it is not even remotely reasonable as a stance. They didn't trick you into pre-orders with false release dates. That is on the company you pre-ordered it from. I take what they say seriously, but you have to actually read what they state. Being done "any day now" but no release date means it ain't coming out next week.

Seriously look into Blizzard's history and then try and come back here to complain about it. A great game is done when its done. If you can't stand the wait thats fine, but don't pin it on the developer when all they have said is they are close to finishing up without even hinting at a release window, let alone a solid release date.

i should've mentioned this. GT5 has only had one release date, yes, which is the main reason i made this rant.

self promises is a good way of explaining their behavior. actually, along with the "any day now" things, they also said frequently that they are trying to make everything perfect. with the amount of content they're adding to this game, there's no wonder it would take long.

it's funny you mention blizzard. god, the number of times they've pushed back Actual release dates is staggering. but then again, people don't care and just buy the game when it comes out. same with gt5, these same idiots who whine about "buying NFS instead" or "canceling order" are just going to buy the game in the end.

and PD didn't "drag their feet". look at the amount of content in the game, by god, i can't imagine all that stuff can fit in one disc. and btw, the time in between GT3 and GT4 was four years, on the same console. they're making gt5 in an HD console, and so obviously it'll take more time. it's only been five years since GT4, and given the amount of content added, it's reasonable. not to mention they made a PSP GT also.

so anyway.. good post mate. i realize i'm over the top with my rant, but you sent everything home.

Actually, it's not remotely over the top. It annoys me as well. How people say "the game keeps getting delayed" when there's only been one delay in Japan and the West is beyond me. And then as you said, these kind of games have long development schedules.

And that's not taking into account the amount of hypocrites posting in this thread.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!