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Gnizmo said:
damndl0ser said:

While I do agree that some people who are "canceling" orders are crying for attention, I would bet most are just tired of the bs.

I would suggest everyone cancel their pre-orders and instead just go and purchase the game day one.  That would show PD and Sony that people are tired of being run through the ringer.  That doesn't make them any less of a fan nor does it make them cry for attention.  But I can guarantee you that Sony and PD would take note and get their shit together for a change.  If people do nothing and accept this expect more of the same for GT6, mark my words.

What bullshit? This is the only delay the game has gotten in NA. There has been one release date given, and it slipped once. What on Earth are you talking about with that? If a high profile game gets one delay then that should be seen as good. I cannot see how this is anything but dramatic internet nonsense.

What bullshit?  The bullshit that PD have been saying since before Forza 3 got released thats what bs.  You know, when they were saying that GT5 was all but finished then it was pushed back till this year.  Then it was pushed back again for god knows how long.  That bullshit.  Was it official?  Who knows but everyone who has been keeping track of it knows thats what they said.  Now tell me I'm full of it?  

I can't believe someone would even attempt to say they haven't been dragging their feet at PD.  If you can't accept that fact there is no need in me even trying to communicate with you, SIGH.....

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!