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ManusJustus said:

Ok Kasz.  Copernicus and Galileo just got lucky with their hair-brained theories, the Church was just trying to find the truth, lol.

Dude, look up the info yourself.... go ahead and you know... read Galeio's book.

You do know what he called it right?  Dialogue on the Ebb and Flow of the Sea.

Compare what was known then with the two theories, heliocentrism and the form of Geocentrism they were using at the time.  I forget the exact name now, but it involved many different roations of different types.

Galieo was like someone argueing sub atomic particles existed before the subatomic microscope.

There is a reason why this is the actual prevailing view of... you know... historians and scientists... vs crackball made up history like "The Italians didn't fund Columbus and he had to go to spain because they thought he'd fall off the earth!"