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Hmm funny, now why wouldn't MS want people to get there hands on this device as soon as possible and spread their impressions? What do they have to hide?

This is just classic MS.. *Wiggles fingers. "Go buy our mediocre product everyone! Don't pay attention to the accounts of lag, or the fact that you cannot play while sitting. Don't pay attention to the fact that it only recognizes two people at a time or that you may need to change your clothes to brighter colors. Don't worry about the fact that it will cost you $300 for an Xbox 360 and another $150 for Kinect, that currently supports 17 games that all look like they are mini games from Mario Party yet cost $60 each."

I don't see what more proof people need that this thing is going to suck, big time. It is all typical smoke and mirrors from MS. Sure it will sell like mad for a couple of months from the sheer novelty of 3D motion controller-less gaming, but expect the sales of this thing to plummet after people realized they were duped into buying an overhyped Eye Toy 2.0 with a bunch of games equivilant to Wii 3rd party shovelware. Seriously, if people think there was a major hardcore bashlash against Nintendo for the Wii, they haven't seen nothin yet. Now the Move may be a shameless Wiimote ripoff but at least Sony is supporting some games for it that aren't an insult to gamers' intelligence.