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sapphi_snake said:

BERLIN (AFP) – Germany's attempt to create a multi-cultural society has failed completely, Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the weekend, calling on the country's immigrants to learn German and adopt Christian values.



Wow, Germany never learns, does it? Now I have no problem with the learning German part (I've always considered it stupid when immigrants don't know the language of their new country), though the whole "without an accent part" is going a little overboard.

However her statement "We feel tied to Christian values. Those who don't accept them don't have a place here" is unacceptable comming from the leader of a nation that calls itself "secular". Is she gonna throw out German atheists? Buddists? Does she not understand the concept of freedom of religion, or the separation between Chruch and State?

Let's see, several thing:

* You believe other nations, besides the United States, has a concept of "separation of Church and State"?

* You consider concern about people not learning the dominant nation of a language, engaging in forced marriage, not getting educated, and not adopting the values of the nation they are living in with being like Hitler?  Are you SERIOUS?  By the way, which "Christian values" are you opposed to, the ones that exist, the ones you think exist that drove you to not have a religious faith, or the ones you think the Germans talk about, or the ones they have?