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So here are my reasons

1. There is absolutely no leading on with the DMR or any other long distant weapon, which is arguably one of the hardest things to master in Halo 3.  I've noticed 5-shotting in Halo Reach is far far more easily done then 4-shotting in Halo 3 was.

2. The reticule bloom in Halo Reach just doesn't really work that well-the majority of people that i've gone up against will just spam the trigger of the DMR or needle rifle, it may take them more shots to kill you but they can do it in roughly the same time as you can pull off a 5 shot....and i've had people spam kill me with the DMR or needle rifle half way across the map on hemorrhage.

3. Armor abilities make it easier to get lucky kills if your a noob- herp a derping, armor lock herp a derping, and many many more.

Now don't get me wrong Halo Reach is a fantastic game but lets not kid ourselves....the game just doesn't take quite as much skill as Halo 3 did.
