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To me there are several rights and concepts that are non-negotionable. Sexual equality, the separation of church and state, rule of law superceeding all divine law. Furthermore an attempt must me made to learn the countries language and general culture. If one doesn't speak English, then Australia would be a very difficult country to live in for example. Which would then fuel resentment and create further problems.

Plenty of things are great when multi-culturalism is done right. New music, food, art, dance, literature, cinema etc. Those things are all positive and enriching. But bring things like honour killings, or forced marraige, or sexual segregation or a refusal to recognise secular law and then I have a problem.

One of the issues of multi-culturalism is that it can lead to a very wishy washy cultural relatavism. I reject that entire concept. I'm very critical of my own culture, laws and government (such as I criticise my government for still not allowing gays to marry) but I wont be told that I cannot criticise other cultures aswell because if I do its racist or bigoted or that all cultures are the same or equal in validity.

Bring the razor of logic to all cultural traditions equally and society will benefit. Rely on a call to tradition at your peril.