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Smidlee said:
Does not the PS3 Blu-Ray player continues to spend for both games and movies? Of course the more you use it the more wear and tear yet I fail to see well a Blu-Ray movies would cause more wear and tear than a game would. I know of those who didn't use their PS2 at a dvd player and yet still had hardware failure from them in the first year PS2 was out.

Games use the drives very differently from how movies use the drives (I think RocketPig pointed this out earlier).  The drive may stay spun up in both circumstances, but a game usually leaves the drive alone until it needs to read the next textures, sound, game locale, etc. in.  With a blu-ray movie the drive has to spin at a changing rate (CLV) as the movie progresses and the device is constantly reading and caching video and audio from the disc.


Until someone does exhaustive MTBF studies for both scenarios on the specific drives used in the PS3s, it's not going to be easy to determine exactly what the effects will be on drive stability.