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Honestly, to me the only good thing to come from motion controls that I miss when coming back to standard ones is the pointer because it makes console games closer to PC ones in the way you handle them. Using the analog to move aim around in Uncharted 2 makes my balls hurt knowing how shooters play on the PC or on a proper Wii game.

Besides this, there is some innovative uses, yes, like handling corners on a racing game and inclining platforms and such in NSMBWii. Still most Wii games use waggle as an extra button anyways, and a bad one to have that is. I'd prefer Mario to spin around in Galaxy pressing Y instead of shaking the Wiimote. And why waggle you arm around playing a fake Tennis when you could have the real thing.

That's just my opinion on it anyways. Maybe it could be changed by fullbody and more precise controls next gen (a mix of Kinect and Move maybe?). I recon it should become the standard of sorts in the future.