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Funny story, i was banned for 3 days last june and didn't even knew about it coz i stoped visiting VGC till today  LOL! I've kinda lost my gaming urge  and haven't played my ps3 since i finished resonance of faith. i've still to start playing star ocean 4 and trinity universe which i have

anyways, just dropped by to say that i'm feeling the urge to play my ps3 again and  i'm once again most probably about to do something crazy. I have again come accross some extra cash and am thinking of finally buying god of war 3 and or uncharted 2. but atelier rorona just released and i'm almost postivite that when i enter the game store i'm gonna see atelier rorona and buy that instead...HAAARRGGGH!!!!  

will i ever get the change to buy god of war 3??!!

this really bites as i love god of war 1 and 2...

ah..well..with this economy, i'm lucky to get to buy a new game every six moths or so...might as well buy something that will take me a while to finish..