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Simple question, really: which system will see the most significant drop off in the coming weeks as the holiday effect wears off?

I think the DS (or Wii, if you only want home consoles) will see the largest drop in raw figures, if for no other reason than that it has the farthest to fall.

I think the PS3 may see the largest percentage drop, because its not only going to see a depression from Christmas, but also see the effects of a price drop wearing off (according to Source, we're already seeing that happening, with a 75% increase in expected sales in November but "only" 50% in December).

I could see the Wii going either way -- it could fall the hardest (thus negating the prediction I just made) if hardware is as unavailable next month as it was for the DS last January (last January there was almost nothing for the DS after a hard Christmas rush), but IF the product is there, I could also see it holding up amazingly well as the people who wanted one for Christmas get one now.

Any other thoughts? I think the 360 falls right in the middle, personally, so I don't have much to say about it, but if someone else thinks the 360 will hold up well and/or fall particularly hard, speak up!">">