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ethomaz said:
Demotruk said:

But overall HD sales are down 49K YoY, PS3 ofc being down 180K and XBox gains not making up for it. Wii is falling more, but Wii failing on it's own lack of software doesn't suddenly make the HD console numbers great. Truth is, XBox is doing well, PS3 is doing poorly, and Wii is doing abysmally. Overall, there is nothing here to celebrate, the industry is in rapid decline.

But this decline was due the PS3 Slim plus pricesut... last September was a month abnormal or unusual.

PS3 is very strong in US this year.

LOL don't worry next year the same time period 360 will be down just like ps3 this year because of slim effect gone then we can label it DOING POORLY, lets see if he calls 360 doing poorly when its down yoy at that time.

my bet is he wont and will try to sugar coat it.