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Just finished the game.  My impression of the game when I first played it and my impression now has changed.  I thought it was slow and repetitive with all of the emphasis being placed on cutscenes and the jokey atmosphere.  By the time I finished, this game impressed me in an old school twitch gaming way.   It's really intense and leveling up/earning money is really addictive!  The game amazed me all the way to the end and cemented Twisted Pixel as one of my favorite developers of video games.  These guys NEED to have a big budget full sized title--and this game ended up packing a lot more punch and higher production values than a lot of full sized titles!

Also, I checked the leaderboards and I'M 40TH BEST WORLDWIDE in one of the Nanoc stages!!  I'm gonna take a picture of it with my phone and tweet it!  I love this game.  And I've still got possible hours of bonus stuff to look at/play through.