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This game is looking like it has absolutely everything I could ever hope for in an mmorpg... and with no sub fee.  I always defended mmos and their sub fees but guild wars 2 is looking to change the genre completely imo.  I was hesitant for a while that arenanet were reaching a bit too high, but after each video and interview I watch/read I am becoming more and more convinced that this game will absolutely blow my mind.  The amount of things to do, the awesome combat system and skills, dynamic events, EVERYTHING about this game, not having to search for groups as everyone benefits for just participating.  The only thing that was touched upon in this excellent thread that worries me is the availability of elite gear in combination with the loot system, but Im sure arenanet will figure out a way to build a strong economy while also giving players the chance to actually obtain this gear.  Man I cant wait to play this game, I may not need to purchase another one for a very long time after this drops.  Its also very difficult for me to justify paying any sub fees for an mmo right now when I know that guild wars 2 just exists lol.