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cringer8 said:
I never played the GC version, but I did buy the DS version. I loved it. I was hooked for months. I caught all of the fish, most of the insects, and dug up all of the fossils. I didn't procure a lot of paintings (I got burned by that traveling salesman too many times). I did get all of the golden tools, though ^_^

I stopped playing once I had upgraded my house to the max and found all my favorite items (furniture and clothing). I think I still would have kept playing, but one of my favorite feline residents (I think I had a crush on her, haha) moved, out of the blue, for no friggin' reason. A stupid bitch of a giraffe moved in to take her place. ;_; I hated that giraffe.

I look forward to the Wii version. But I don't expect a "true" MMO out of it. There is no way Nintendo will allow kids to talk to random players or visit random towns freely. It will probably be similar to WW's online options. But we can always hope.

I'm with ya, dude.  (tho mine was a squirrel )


Since there's no way it will be a true MMO game, I'd like to see it happen this way:

When you start the game, you have the option to go to one of two towns.  One is the town saved on your Wii, like normal, and the other is a town stored on a Nintendo server.  You and up to three friends could share this town.  If you wanted, you could delegate responsibilities, have contests, etc.  It could make you feel like you are living in the same community even if you are far away.  I think Nintendo could go for something like that (as long as everyone had each other's friend codes) and it would up the awesome level to over 9000.