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darthdevidem01 said:
ZechsMerquise said:
Antabus said:
ZechsMerquise said:

SONY - due to the shameful copying and the fact that if you ever go to you would see that SONY pulling out of the console race would lead to the largest mass suicide of the most self righteous fanboys ever imagineable. .

Most self righteous? I think that those honours belong to some other fanboy-group.

I'll give you a few examples of SONY fanboys over on N4G:

ARTICLE: Game X Looks better on XBOX360

RESPONSE: Why teh need 4 these comparisons!!! Pointless, just play teh gamez

ARTICLE: Game Y Looks better on PS3

RESPONSE: Hahahaha shitty 360, PS3 FTW!!!!!111

ARTICLE: PS3 MOVE Not selling as well as Motion Plus did

RESPONSE: It's not about sales, or games itz about teh TECH, SONY wins hands down with teh tech!!!!1

ARTICLE: PS3 trailing 360 in sales

RESPONSE: PS3 has won this gen handz down, sales don't count

Trust me, go over to N4G, the PS3 fanboys over there will make you sick. To hear their wild cries of dispair if SONY left the cosole race would be priceless.

Never read the comments section on N4G!!!

All it'll do is get your blood pressure up.....just got there for the news!

Totally, I do like seeing the people who go there to troll them though. The best to date was when PS3 fanboys were attacking Gears of War 3 footage, the response was:

'Well I suppose you'd rather be wacthing an old man hiding in a box followed by a 43 minute cutscene...'

This lead to a storm of epci proportions. N4G is OK for seeing news from all over, but personally I think it harms many smaller sites by taking traffic away from them and the community there is appalling.