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If I had to choose one it would probably be Microsoft. Keep in mind this applies to console gaming only. Following are the things that I personally dislike that Microsoft has done (does):

1. Pay to play online. Kudos to Microsoft for building a great online infrastructure but did they have to go D-bag on us and make us pay to play a sizable portion of the games we just purchased?

2. I don't have empirical evidence but I feel like they have killed the single player, or campaign portion of gaming. Everything has become multiplayer or bust and I dislike that. I attribute that to the push for online in EVERYTHING. I enjoy a good multiplayer game but not at the expense of the single player experience. Every game does not need multiplayer or even online options.

3. Don't know if they started this, (maybe a different thread would be appropriate) but micro-transactions and downloadable content. I think at the very least they were at the forefront pushing this. Game companies selling us a full priced game that is purposely lacking content so that they can release it mere weeks afterward for $10-$15 is wrong! I'm aware that was probably a run-on sentence. If the release of the downloadable content were a couple of months from the release it would at least seem like developers had to have the extra time to develop it.

4. Unreliable hardware. Do I need to explain?

5. Releasing a machine that focuses on online connectivity that lacks built in Wi-Fi. I know they've now corrected that, but for most of the installed base it was a $70 add-on.

6. Shooters, shooters, shooters. I know, probably isn't entirely Microsoft's fault but they are oh so prevalent on their consoles. Heck, practically built the original Xbox.

Well, that's all that I can think of off the top of my head. Oh, and I think Microsoft tries way to hard to be cool and edgy. Even their very name with the "X" was a trendy, "Look at us we are EXTREME!" move. Nintendo's press conferences are often not the most exciting (for non-Nintendo fans) but at least they have charm.

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."