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Calmador said:

The Wii is basically for two kinds of people

1. Kids, Mom, Girls, and Gramps... obviously makes up the majority of the Wii's audience.

2. And the niche gamers that can't live without Nintendo's first party. The rest of the sales are because of the above reason.

I like about 20-30 games on the Wii and some of em barely make the list... that's a joke... aftter 4 years.... I only CONSIDER 20 games on the Wii. That's looking through the whole library... I did it once and these are games I SIMPLY consider... meaning if I played them... I imagine 5-10 wouldn't make the cut

While looking at my 360's library... it's the opposite... I can consider buying most games and well 20-30 are probably no buys. I'm over-whelmed and can't play em all... also I don't have a job, time and I've always been on a budget >_> so I only have  about 60 retail games, all of which I love and consider must owns for myself and I own idk 40 arcade/indie games.Hell... I have games in my collection that still have their plastic coverings on em.

I guess I would consider a Wii when it's at 50$ at Gamestop no longer supports Wii games. Before hand I'll make sure to buy those 20-30 games I kinda wanted....

On the Plus side... we gamers now have a console that is good for our babies!



Only the 8,354,346th time I've heard this one.. I love how the so called "hardcore gamers" act like they're such non conformists and yet they all seem to say the same crap.