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Most people really don't give a flip about 3D, that is the truth.


That being said, once a new major game is announced for the 3DS, it will work up the public into a frenzy. Right now of the six biggest games actually shown for the system (RE Revelations/Mercs, Super SF4 3D, LoZ: OoT, Kid Icarus: Uprising and MGS3: NS) only two are not ports and really none of them are really targeting the Japanese audience preferences. The closest thing that seems poised at the Japanese audience might be Nintendogs & Cats.

Once we get closer to the launch date and more titles are shown, there will be more of a build up for the system within Japan, but I suspect that especially given the price (which might drop within the first year if people keep bitching about it), the 3DS will have a solid launch and slowly build up its base to near DS levels. The first major original JRPG will be insane on the 3DS but it probably won't hit until the tail end of 2011 or 2012.